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How TikTok plans to real ad greenbacks for this Twelve

How TikTok plans to real ad greenbacks for this Twelve

This holiday season could be pretty instructive as to whether TiKTok will continue to be a place for smaller-sized ad budgets, rather than larger ones. After all, this season is notorious for its bouts of irrational budget spending — a “use it or lose it” scenario when it comes to marketing expenditure. If TikTok is

Best Cellphone Plans of 2023: Our Top Picks for May

Best Cellphone Plans of 2023: Our Top Picks for May

This is a bit more complicated. Verizon used to be our pick with its Play More plan that bundled in the Disney Bundle (ad-free Disney Plus, ESPN Plus and Hulu with ads) and services like Google Play Pass or Apple Arcade into the plan's sticker price.  Now the carrier has updated its wireless plans to