Home Animation Existing HN: Paclear – A Stress-free Twist on the ‘Certain’ Dispute with Pac-Man Animation

Existing HN: Paclear – A Stress-free Twist on the ‘Certain’ Dispute with Pac-Man Animation

Existing HN: Paclear – A Stress-free Twist on the ‘Certain’ Dispute with Pac-Man Animation

paclear is a obvious show with PAC-MAN animation


Demo (with color)
paclear can put color to the output.

enhance blue, red, inexperienced, yellow, red, white(default).

Demo (with tempo)
paclear can put tempo

walk install github.com/orangekame3/paclear@most up-to-date
brew install orangekame3/tap/paclear
First, it is advisable to to enable LocalManifestFiles in winget settings.
Form the next show in PowerShell. (Lumber as Administrator)

winget settings –enable LocalManifestFiles
Then, download the installer file and install it.Commended to converse GitBash.

curl -L “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/orangekame3/paclear/major/acquire-installer.sh” -o “acquire-installer.sh”
And hurry the installer.

Derive the most up-to-date compiled binaries and fix it wherever to your executable direction.

Derive right here

❯ paclear –relieve
paclear is a obvious show with pacman animation

paclear [flags]

-c, –color string Place pacman color (accessible: red, inexperienced, blue, yellow, red) (default “white”)
-h, –relieve relieve for paclear
-s, –tempo int32 Place pacman a pair of tempo (default: 1) (default 1)
-v, –version version for paclear

Learn normal article right here

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